Support Services


11 Angels intends assisting terminally ill patients, and their families, to explore every possible treatment available, locally and abroad, which might be curative for the illness, or which will at least help to ameliorate the pain and suffering. This might then offer patients hope, and in some cases healing.

11 Angels seeks to embrace those who are suffering from a terminal illness, or from some of the indignities of old age, so as to provide hope, and relief from financial burden, thus affording patients a better quality of life, to be spent unfettered with those that they love most. Dr Sue Walters is the founder of 11 Angels, and as a palliative specialist.


Started, by Gerrit Van Der Merwe, as a flower farm back in 1932, the business that would become Fourways Memorial Park passed into the hands of his son, Koot, when Gerrit passed away in 1967. Koot Van Der Merwe continued successfully farming until 1997 when the family decided to develop the farm into the first exclusive, private memorial park in South Africa.

Our vision at Fourways Memorial Park is to “preserve memories for friends and family in a secure atmosphere”. Fourways Memorial Park’s cemetery grounds are beautifully maintained – a tranquil environment to lay your loved ones to rest and a sanctuary to which you can retreat to pay your respects.


The Practice
A Specialist Wellness Counsellor (ASCHP) provides effective Christian Counseling and Care to all individuals via zoom or skype. A number of mental health concerns are treated, and a neutral, safe space is provided for all individuals, families, and couples

The Treatment Focus
The main focus is to help individuals heal, energize, and focus on their strengths. This is achieved by providing a neutral safe space, where you are listened to. A healing plan is customised that it is suited to your individual needs based on the gospel of Jesus Christ as well as narrative and strength-based techniques

The Patient Promise
The counselling room is a safe space, and your counsellor will be there for you every step of your journey. Confidentiality and security are given to all of our clients. Your counsellors’ goal is to help you grow from your struggles, heal from your pain, and move forward to where you want to be in your life in Christ Jesus.



I am an Intuitive Healer, specialising in DEATH, DYING – Grief and bereavement.
I have been The Spiritual Counsellor at Hospice Wits since 2011 and presently have my own private practice in Glenferness, still supporting Hospice and many others – and have supported many people to transition through physical to the spiritual and supported their loved ones to allow the experience of death to help them grow in awareness.

The challenges of life today are for us to listen to our Higher Self to hear what our soul is drawn towards, that gives us a sense of purpose and meaning in life.

It’s so much more than just about money, status, education and productivity : It’s about what we feel – Our awareness to life – Our passion to express our truth.

Psychic Life Coaching is how we learn to hear our Higher Self.

As a Spiritual teacher, I teach awareness, and consciousness of being – challenges that we are all finding more and more difficult to embrace, with the demands made on us from the material world of this, the 21st Century.

For 25 years Cameron has studied ‘Anthroposophy’ – the works of Rudolf Steiner. He was Chairman of the Council of Management, of the Johannesburg Waldorf School for 10 years. As a Medical Reporter, he has travelled around Europe and India producing and presenting Medical and Lifestyle television programmes for his medical actuality programme ‘Medic-Air’, which ran on the SABC for over 10 years.

For his work in reporting on alternate medicine, and the holistic approach to healing, he was identified in 1996 as an Altruist and awarded the ‘Albert Schweitzer Gold Medal’ in Vienna.

In 1997 he was awarded the ‘European Order of Merit at the European Parliament in Brussels, and also that year, knighted into ‘The Order of St. John of Jerusalem’ at the Esterhuissy Palace in Hungary.
Cameron walks the talk. He supports many, many people on an ongoing basis to do the same. He councils couples, runs pre-marital courses, stress and anger management sessions, and teaches the benefits of meditation and stillness.

He has extensive knowledge of spiritual writings, he uses his hands to physically balance and realign clients in energy healing, and his intuition to support people in exploring and resolving issues held in their subconscious minds, from both this life and past lives. Cameron teaches unconditional love, and the importance of dissolving the ‘egoic’ state in this life.

He supports the concept of “the New Earth” and the need we all have, to allow our consciousness to flow through us from our higher dimension, to experience peace and harmony during our time in this earth life.

Cameron produces Relaxation and Meditation CDs, training DVDs, and is currently writing a book on his life and the living in dual consciousness titled “Be Great!”

Cameron is a fully registered member of EPASA.


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